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"TRIZ for Business and Management: Level 1. Solving Innovation Problems"

Number of course registrants since 2020: 658

The proposed course was developed by Valery Sushkov, TRIZ Master, who has more than 25 years of experience with TRIZ and one of the creators of the TRIZ version for business and management. The course was first held in 2003 in the Netherlands and has been continuously improved since then. 

Total training period: 12 weeks (3-4 hours per week)

Training format: Online, individual (with group webinars)

Study schedule: Flexible

Certification: International Business TRIZ Association (IBTA), The TRIZ Training International Center

Price including certification: 800 Euro.
21% VAT is charged only for orders from EU countries

Payment methods: Online - credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Amex); PayPal; Bank wire transfer

Payment terms: In full, before the start of the course

Number of participants: Limited

Author and organization: ICG Training and Consulting, Netherlands

You can register for the online course "TRIZ for Business and Management: Level 1. Solving innovative problems" using this link:


For anyone who wants to strengthen their thinking skills with the ability to effectively solve “unsolvable” problems and find innovative solutions in the fields of business and management: business professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, managers at various levels, project and team leaders, consultants, business students, professional problem solvers, consultants.


• Apply the paradigm of a systematic creative approach to solving innovative problems.
Recognize and formulate non-standard problems.
Analyze problems and identify contradictions that block problem resolution.
Quickly generate non-standard, breakthrough solutions that eliminate contradictions.
Use resources to obtain the most ideal solutions.
Compare and evaluate the received solution ideas.
Expand your creativity and enhance your creative potential.


Any development comes through solving problems. We often encounter problems that can be quite difficult to solve. Sometimes we know how a similar problem has been solved before, but existing requirements and limitations do not allow us to use any of the already known solutions. Sometimes we don’t see at all in which direction to solve the problem. As a result, the problem is not resolved for a long time, preventing further development of the business, organization, or promotion of a product or service.

In most cases, this situation occurs when some requirement or desire comes into conflict with another requirement or desire. For example, a company wants to participate in a certain exhibition, but its budget is limited. There is a conflict between the desire to participate in the exhibition and the requirement not to go beyond the budget. We are faced with a contradiction - we must both participate and not participate.

Resolving contradictions so as to satisfy two contradicting requirements at once is difficult. Often it seems completely impossible. Therefore, in such cases, we habitually compromise. For example, we find another exhibition, cheaper, participation in which will not harm our budget. But this is not a solution to the original problem! After all, we wanted to participate precisely in that first exhibition. As a result, we not only fail to achieve our goal, but also spend resources suboptimally.

We call such problems innovative because they require breakthrough solutions, and mathematics alone cannot solve them. We need qualitatively different solutions, the creation of which requires going beyond existing ideas and requires a creative approach.

A strong solution always eliminates the contradiction and allows you to fully achieve the initially set goal. Such solutions are considered non-standard or innovative because they have not previously been used in the company where the problem arose, or in general in the entire area of ​​this type of business.


We are used to looking for such solutions through trial and error, the most common option of which is brainstorming, which stimulates our creative imagination. When the problem is simple, trial and error works effectively and we find a solution in a couple of hours or even minutes. But what if the problem is complex and contains conflicting requirements? Complex problems, as a rule, contain not one, but several contradictions. Such problems can take years to resolve. What to do?


Not long ago the situation changed. To significantly speed up the search for strong solutions, professionals today use TRIZ (Theory of Solving Inventive Problems) tools, which allow them to search, formulate and solve problems containing contradictions with a high degree of ideality and in the shortest possible time.

TRIZ was developed as a result of many years of analysis of tens of thousands of inventive and innovative solutions and ideas. Originally created to support technical invention, modern TRIZ also works to solve problems in business and management. Modern TRIZ is not just a theory, but also dozens of tools and hundreds of patterns for innovative ideas that allow you to both search for and formulate problems and solve them.

Business Process with TRIZ

Basic Process for Solving Innovation Problems

You can read more about TRIZ for business and management in the article
“Breakthrough Thinking with TRIZ for Business and Management”


The course allows you to learn and master the basic process of solving innovative problems and the basic TRIZ tools for working with problems containing contradictions. Problems can come from almost any area of business and management, for example:

Improving the efficiency of business processes by eliminating identified deficiencies, undesirable and harmful effects.
Resolving conflicts within the organization or with the external environment.
Elimination of shortcomings of existing business models.
Elimination of factors that increase the cost of business processes and management.
Innovative improvement of business products or services.

This list is not limited; the skills acquired will help improve the solution of a large class of problems. The main advantage of the course is that participants can work on real problems of their business or their organization.


What are innovative solutions in business and management. Introduction to TRIZ and System Innovation Technology.
Basic concepts of TRIZ: ideality, contradiction, systematic nature of the development of business systems, products and services. Types of innovative tasks and projects.
Psychological inertia as the main barrier to breakthrough solutions.
Multi-screen thinking scheme (System Operator).
Ideal Final Result. Resource thinking. Ideal solutions.
Contradictions. Ways to resolve contradictions.
The process of solving problems using TRIZ.
Problem Perception Map: identifying the levels of the problem based on an analysis of the opinions of the participants in the problem.
Description of the Innovation Problem: a template for describing and formulating the key problem
• Root Conflict Analysis (RCA+): a tool for decomposing a problem into a cause-and-effect diagram and identifying contradictions that impede the solution of the problem.
Collection of Innovative (Inventive) Techniques: universal strategies for finding solutions to innovative problems, including 40 techniques and 189 subtechniques.
Matrix of Contradictions: a tool for finding solutions designed to eliminate various types of contradictions.
Landscape of Ideas: a tool for assessing received ideas based on the Multi-Criteria Decision Matrix and visualization of the space of ideas.


Participants who successfully complete the course will receive registered certificates of Level 1 TRIZ Practitioner from the International Business TRIZ Association (IBTA).

PowerPoint Slide Show     IBTA Certificate 721 EN   Maria Rudneva   Level 1.pptx 400

The list of certified specialists since 2019 is available on the IBTA website: List of certified specialists


valeri trizforx

Valeri Souchkov - TRIZ Master, developer of methods and tools to support solving innovative problems. He is one of the founders of the European TRIZ Association (ETRIA), co-founder and president of the International Business TRIZ Association (IBTA), vice-president and member of the Board of the International Official TRIZ Association (MATRIZ Official). Currently he heads the company ICG Training & Consulting in the Netherlands, and also conducts regular training in TRIZ and System Innovation Technologies at the University of Twente in Enschede and the TIAS business school in Tilburg. He has a TRIZ Specialist diploma under the guidance of G.S. Altshuller. In 2014, he received the title of TRIZ Master (MATRIZ, Level 5) for his achievements in the development of TRIZ.

During his professional life, he has conducted more than 500 training seminars, trained more than 7,000 professionals and students from more than 60 countries, and has been hands-on in more than 150 innovation projects, helping various organizations solve innovation problems. Author of more than 100 publications.

Its clients include more than 700 organizations, including 3M, ABN AMRO Bank, ASML, BMW, Bosch, Capgemini, Danone, Fujifilm, General Electric, Huawei, ING Bank, LG Electronics, Merck, Microsoft, Nexperia, NXP , Orange, PepsiCo, Philips, PriceWaterhouse, Samsung, Shell, Siemens, SoftBank, Vodafone, Unilever, UNDP, Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands, Royal Jordanian Enterprise Foundation, Canton Innovation Chamber in China, universities of Abu Dhabi, Delft, Sydney, Eindhoven and etc.


Each course participant receives free access to the closed community "Business TRIZ Alumni". Currently, the community consists of hundreds of people who are studying or have studied in Business TRIZ programs at all levels.
Participants get access to closed telegram channels, a web archive, the opportunity to take part in discussions, webinars on real cases, and develop horizontal connections with their colleagues. The period of participation in "Business TRIZ Alumni" is not limited.


Video lectures.
Assignments and case studies.
Reference materials in electronic form.
Additional materials in electronic form.


Training is conducted individually.
The course includes 36 video lectures with a total duration of 24 hours.
The amount of time spent on the course, including individual sessions with a trainer, is approximately 40 hours.

During the course, the participant must watch all video lectures and complete 9 individual assignments. After completing each task, it will be personally discussed in an online session with the trainer before moving on to the next assignment.

The course is considered successfully completed when all tasks are completed and accepted by the trainer. In this case, the participant will be awarded a personalized registered certificate of international standard.

Access to video materials is unlimited during the course. The schedule for online sessions is flexible and depends on the availability of the trainer and participant. The participant will have access to the trainer's online calendar to schedule individual sessions.

Simultaneous work with a group of maximum 3 participants is possible.

During the course, the participant can work with his actual problems or the problems of his organization. If necessary, a confidentiality agreement can be signed with the trainer's company.

After completing the course, free support (questions and answers) is provided for 6 months.

EUR 800 (excl. 21% VAT). VAT is only charged for for private persons and for businesses located in The Netherlands.
For business customers residing in the countries of the European Union (Except the Netherlands) VAT is reverse charged.
For business customers residing in the countries outside the European Union VAT is not charged.

Payment must be made before the course start date. To do this, the participant must first register, the link is given below. Payment is made after registration according to the invoice sent to the participant. Registration is considered complete only after full payment for the course. 

Payment can be done online by credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, Amex); Paypal; Bank wire transfer.
As soon as payment is received, we send all the instructions and download links.

Payment can also be transferred to the accounts of regional representatives of ICG Training & Consulting in other countries.

Refunds are made only if you cancel the course no later than the day before it starts.


You can register for the online course "TRIZ for Business and Management: Level 1. Solving innovative problems" using this link:


After registration you will receive confirmation and further instructions.


If you have any questions, you can send us a message 

 “Having completed the course “TRIZ for Business and Management” by Valeri, I became convinced that TRIZ has enormous potential for the business world. It is a set of powerful tools for going beyond conventional reasoning and achieving extraordinary results.”

Hans van Grieken, Vice President Business Innovation, Capgemini, Netherlands 

 “The skills acquired during this course are certainly of unique value in solving complex problems.”

Vice President, ABN AMRO Bank, Netherlands

"Valery's course on TRIZ not only met my expectations, but also exceeded them. Before the course, I read several books on TRIZ, but could not understand how to correctly apply the acquired knowledge. Valery's course explained not only the process of working with TRIZ tools for a business environment, but and each of the tools in a clear and accessible form.
In the three months following the course, it was possible to find and implement solutions to two problems that previously seemed unsolvable. The problems concerned increasing the productivity of the development team without compromising the quality of the final product. We had tried to solve these problems before, using all the creative tools we were familiar with, but we were unable to achieve the desired results.

The TRIZ philosophy completely changes our vision of the problem and how we solve it. Now for me TRIZ is the most effective approach to solving creative problems."

Group Head, Citigroup, USA, 

 “I never expected that there was a method and tools for solving problems that previously seemed completely unsolvable. The course on teaching problem solving using TRIZ was a revelation for me.”

Head of Business Development, PepsiCo, USA.

 “A very unusual and valuable course, one of the best I have attended in my career, and there have been more than a dozen of them.”

Professor, Technology Innovation, University of Toronto, Canada.

"Thanks to Valery for the course. TRIZ allows us to develop our thinking, especially for solving business problems. During the course, I more than once entered a completely new dimension, where I found completely unexpected solutions. TRIZ and its tools are excellent for use in business."

CEO, Innovations Softbank Group,  

"An important and valuable course on TRIZ in business and management, thanks to Valery Sushkov. We found many interesting solutions. I will definitely pass the next level!"

Head of Department, Orange, France. 

 "Valery Souchkov teaches the course with enormous energy, which can be felt even from a distance. But the main thing for me was that studying TRIZ brought my thinking to a new level. Thanks to his vast experience, Valery helped me not only acquire new knowledge, but also acquire new qualities that became part of my thinking. I was amazed at how easily I was able to solve problems that I had not even tried to deal with before. TRIZ changed the world in my eyes."

Investment Manager, Science and Technology Foundation, Dubai, UAE

Understandable. Focused. Practical.

The course is taught by a master of his craft, as very complex and quite technical material is presented in a understandable language for a business audience thanks to a huge abundance of practical examples from real - office life.

Polished video materials create the effect of being present at a live lecture, individual coaching sessions help you understand not only the tasks themselves for independent solutions, but also sort out current problems at work - this helps to form new habits and a paradigm of action, and get rid of psychological inertia.

Naturally, there is a desire to learn more and continue to comprehend the following modules on the path to your own mastery."

Alexander Sidorets, Head of Supply Chain Management, Olam International, Geneva, Switzerland 

"This is definitely the best course in the business discipline that I have taken over the past 5 years. Since last year, I have been looking for a quality course on Problem Solving (structuring and solving problems). It would seem that the topic should be researched far and wide, as in the work of any organization, any manager, “problem solving” is almost the main skill. In the Russian-speaking space, I have not found a single decent course at a reasonable price with a clear methodology, practice and feedback.

Quite by accident I came across the course of TRIZ Master Valeri Souchkov. For those who don’t know, he is one of the world’s leading experts and popularizers of TRIZ, one of the founders of the use of TRIZ in business, living in Holland for more than 30 years, teaching and consulting around the world, promoting this discipline to many global corporations such as Samsung, Royal Dutch Shell, Philips and many others, developers of a number of tools, for example, problem-conflict analysis (RCA+).

In short, what the course teaches: - How to formulate innovative problems? - How to formulate an ideal solution to a problem? - How to structure them? - How to find the causes of their occurrence? - How to look for non-standard solutions to problems using various TRIZ tools? - How to eliminate these causes with minimal resources?

The course provides a clear step-by-step technology, where at each step you get a specific result in your case, on which the teacher personally gives you detailed feedback. The materials, assignments and examples are extremely specific, coupled with the author’s practical experience - priceless. And in the end, in 10 weeks I received a ready-made tool for consulting work. Everything is online.”

Andrey Malakhov, Managing Partner, Moscow, Russia 

“The course really expands the range of problem perception and decision-making. It allows you to more clearly identify problems and provides real tools for both identifying and clearly formulating problems, as well as tools for finding solutions and actually solutions to problems and issues related to innovation and modernization.

It’s amazing that often, after working through it, solutions that are absolutely not obvious at the initial stage appear and turn out to be the most effective. The same can be said about problems/tasks - when you think that you are solving one problem/problem, but in the process of analysis it turns out that the root problem is completely different.

What distinguishes the course is its novelty (I don’t know of similar courses in Russian), very good structuring of the material and clarity of teaching - complex things in simple language.

From my point of view, any more or less manager, entrepreneur, or startuper should take the course. Business life will definitely become easier after this."

Andrey Oleynik, President, Progress Agro Group of Companies, Krasnodar, Russia

"My name is Ekaterina. I work in an organization that provides consulting to small and medium-sized businesses, and also works on projects to improve the financial literacy of the population. Our organization has already taken its first steps in getting acquainted with TRIZ, but doubts arose about the possibility of applying this theory in business and social systems. Having learned from an advertisement on Facebook about the existence of MATRIZ and about the enrollment for the course “TRIZ in Business and Management” with Valery Sushkov, we decided that this was what we were looking for. And we were not mistaken.

In this course, theoretical and practical parts are very harmoniously intertwined. There was quite a lot of lecture material, but it was presented in a fairly simple and understandable language with many illustrative examples. I now regularly use many of the diagrams and tables from the presentations for work.

As for the practical part, this, in my opinion, is the most valuable! Although I can’t imagine how it can be done without theory. In practice, you work with a real problem that faces you or your organization or business. And you do this under the guidance of a TRIZ master with vast experience.

All homework is done in the form of presentations, which I personally put together into a single project. This was a fairly extensive work on solving the identified problem, containing an in-depth analysis of the problem, solution options and comparison of options.

I demonstrated this work to management and the results exceeded all expectations!!! The course ended and we continued to work in this direction. Today we have created a group that is working on solving problems and tasks using the tools mastered in the course.

Using TRIZ helps us and our clients systematize work, use resources wisely, identify key areas of activity and go to the intended goal in the shortest possible way.

In my opinion, the course “TRIZ in Business and Management” will be very useful and valuable to all business owners, business consultants and facilitators.

I would especially like to note the responsible, professional and positive attitude of the teacher. In this course, you will not only receive a lot of valuable information, useful tools and change your thinking, but you will also meet a wonderful, multifaceted and interesting person who will certainly become your friend.

Valery, thank you for the knowledge and experience that you share with us! You are an amazing person! And you have a unique ability to recommend a very useful book at the right time."

Ekaterina, financial consulting


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